Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life Since Everest

I'm over my self pity and back in the travel saddle!

Our flight over the Himalayas was a real pique experience, but our visit to Nepal went down hill quickly. The pollution was overwhelming and the country difficult. But the people were nice and the crossroad of travelers was very entertaining.

After Nepal, we made our way back to Egypt to rejoin the boat. We survived India, Nepal, and Egypt, thanks in a big way to Gary, who helped us find and book excellent accommodation throughout our time off the boat.

We were welcomed back to the cruise like old friends. The second half of the cruise had only 29 passengers due in part to the volcano keeping people from flying. Passengers and crew have come to know this as the Cursed Crossing, but we had a fantastic time anyway.

Passing through the Suez Canal took the entire day and it was really interesting. We then enjoyed an excellent tour in Alexandria and have created much better memories of Egypt. We still find it hideous and foul, but the tour experience did a lot to alleviate the PTSD from our visit in 2002.

Our arrival in Greece has been fantastic, although leaving the cruise was very sad. New friends and life at sea will be sorely missed, but we were able to get an amazing hotel on Santorini and enjoy the island is grand style. Few travelers have arrived, so it is like having it to ourselves. Our travel weariness is cured by the excellent food and amazing views of Santorini and we are good to go again.

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