Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Taz to Auz

We really enjoyed Tasmania. We didn't know what to expect, but it was WILD! So many wild creatures. We went on platypus safari and saw MANY. One waddled right past us going from one pond to the next. Freakish creatures, totally fascinating!

The island looks a little like California and the weather was fine. Oddly enough that is the actual word used in the weather reports on the news in the morning, "Fine today with a chance of showers tomorrow."

The wine was wonderful. We only drink Pinot Noir of Taz now...

As our Taz time was coming to an end, we were lamenting that we hadn't met anyone during our stay. But then we hooked up with two other couples who were great fun. One was a Taz local, one a Kiwi, and 2 Aussies. They actually took us to dinner. It was very cool.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you took lots of pictures of the platypi (is that correct?) Have I mentioned yet that I'm totally jealous?! Where to next?
