Saturday, November 21, 2009

Going South

Our departure from Costa Rica was eventful! During our last day of class, we experienced an earthquake! We predicted a 5.0 and were very close with the news reporting 5.1 on the Richter Scale. Our homestay continued with its challenges as they had to put down one of the 4 dogs. He was an old cocker spaniel we had called Joe. But we bid the banana country farewell and have moved on to Chile.

Our short stay in Santiago was nice as we experienced the southern version of Wiener House -- a fine dining establishment called Doggies where we enjoy the local favorite, the hot dog.

We continued south to explore the wine country. It is really beautiful. We met a charming English couple and joined them in touring the wineries. Touring is expensive, but the wine is cheap. We have continued our education in all thing bodega (the spanish word for winery).

Now we are moving south again to Puerto Montt. We will be traveling overnight in a "Salon de Cama" bus for 12 hours. Should be interesting! We have our box of wine, our salon on the bus, and we are ready to ride!

1 comment:

  1. If/when you get to Thailand (or somewhere in that region) I'd beware of restaurants called "Doggies"! I hope the box wine where you are is of a higher quality than it is here. Have fun on the bus for 12 hours! Miss you!
