Aint technology great when it works? Doesn't it make you want to scream like a senseless lunatic when it doesn't?
For your viewing pleasure, I brought my camera AND my
cable (I often forget that) to this lovely internet cafe (which looks like an Indian call center). I intended to post a sample of our trip pics to bring some visual interest to the blog.
On my first try, my camera shuts down. Aparently it is keenly aware that our pics are more interesting to us than they would be to you. Fine, I over-ride the camera's superior judgement by installing new batteries in order to keep it from shutting down. On my second try, the computer says "No Path" or some such babble. Seriously? Clearly this computer doesn't understand that I am doing the download correctly and my request is simple and reasonable. I reconnect the two pieces of technology (that are clearly working together against me) and try a third time. Again "No Path". After a few choice explitives and foul faces, I see the web cam is staring at me. Nothing like a fake audience to realize how ridiculous a situation is.
So to make a short stoy long, sorry no pics.
Just close your eyes and imagine Steve in front of beautiful mountains, Daina at a scenic winery, Steve & Daina in front of a Kiwi Crossing sign, and the rolling back of a sperm whale from a helicopter.